What we're looking for

The Knowledge Immersion Program's aim is to address ICT skills and knowledge gaps essential in applying innovative solutions to DMCs' development problems.  KIP is looking for Knowledge Hosts who have relevant development issues that may be addressed by innovative or advanced technologies but are hindered by their lack of ICT skills and knowledge. A Knowledge Host, as the term suggests, must welcome an ICT Knowledge Expert as part of its team. The knowledge immersion requires commitment to collaborate with the Knowledge Expert and to sustain, maintain and grow knowledge beyond the program.

In the infographic below, the three main components of KIP are emphasized. Your proposal will be assessed based on these components which are fully covered in the EOI template. Consider the questions in the infographic when developing your EOI. You may refer to the KIP Glossary for definition of terms.

Last modified: Monday, June 22, 2020, 9:01 AM