Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment eLearning

Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment eLearning

This eLearning module presents key concepts related to Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Harassment (SEAH). Designed for all ADB staff, implementing partners, clients and other interested parties, this module is a companion piece to ADB’s Good Practice Notes on Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment in ADB-Financed Projects. This module will help you to:

  • Define Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment and differentiate among these three types of violence, and;
  • Connect the risks of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment to the country and project context, and to power relations among individuals associated with the project.

This eLearning module is divided into two sections. Section 1 covers ADB’s definitions for sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment and Section 2 covers assessing risks to SEAH, especially for ADB financed projects with civil works.

Budgeting for Gender Equality: Practical Guide to Gender Budgeting

Budgeting for Gender Equality: Practical Guide to Gender Budgeting

This training provides an introduction for participants to gender budgeting, a tool now being widely used to mold fiscal policies and public financial management practices to achieving gender equality goals. This training will provide an understanding of key approaches and entry points, as well as experiences of several countries in Asia and the Pacific.

An Introduction to Gender Mainstreaming in ADB Operations

An Introduction to Gender Mainstreaming in ADB Operations

Find out how the Asian Development Bank’s gender categorization system and key tools in developing and implementing action plans help mainstream gender in projects.

Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in ADB-financed Projects in South Asia

Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in ADB-financed Projects in South Asia

This e-learning course on gender equality and social inclusion or GESI mainstreaming is one of the tools designed to operationalize the GESI framework of ADB’s South Asia Department (or SARD). The SARD’s GESI framework is in line with ADB’s GESI commitments, as derived from the first two operational priorities (OPs) of Strategy 2030. OP1 is “addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities,” and OP2 is “accelerating progress in gender equality.

The course has two modules. Module 1 is an overview of the basic GESI concepts and principles and related ADB policies and government policies in ADB’s developing member countries in South Asia. Module 2 is on frameworks and approaches for GESI mainstreaming in organizations and projects.