Financial Management in ADB-Financed Sovereign Operations for Executing/Implementing Agencies

Financial Management in ADB-Financed Sovereign Operations for Executing/Implementing Agencies

This course is designed for executing and implementing agencies’ management and project FM staff as well as FM consultants and auditors.  The course provides fundamental knowledge on financial management requirements in ADB-financed sovereign operations and focuses on the responsibilities of the borrowers in the core elements of financial due diligence, financial reporting and auditing, and monitoring during implementation and project completion. Upon completion of this course, learners will gain the basic ADB FM knowledge essential to perform the borrower’s FM responsibilities throughout the project cycle.   

Explainer Videos for ADB Project Financial Management Training (in Nepali)

Explainer Videos for ADB Project Financial Management Training (in Nepali)

These explainer videos are not stand alone videos and is part of SAOD FM team blended approach to trainings.

Financial Management during Project Processing and Implementation  (Virtual Training)

Financial Management during Project Processing and Implementation (Virtual Training)

Understanding ADB’s financial management policies and requirements is essential to performing financial due diligence and providing financial management oversight. The course on Financial Management – Financial Due Diligence, Financial Reporting and Auditing – provides foundational knowledge on financial management (FM) in ADB and focuses on the core elements of financial due diligence, financial reporting and auditing. Upon successful completion of the course, ADB staff will gain the basic FM awareness and competence to perform financial due diligence and contribute to FM oversight during project processing and implementation and lead ADB projects.

This course is part of the blended FM program delivered in 2022.

Financial Management of ADB-Funded Projects

Financial Management of ADB-Funded Projects

ADB Charter requires ADB to “take the necessary measures to ensure that the proceeds of any loan made, guaranteed or participated in by the Bank are used only for the purposes for which the loan was granted and with due attention to considerations of economy and efficiency”. These modules are aimed at enhancing clients’ capacity to produce high-quality financial statements for its projects to enhance the transparency, accountability, and financial reporting discipline of its borrowers.

Introduction to Financial Management in ADB Sovereign Operations

Introduction to Financial Management in ADB Sovereign Operations

Introduction to Financial Management in ADB program provides foundational knowledge on financial management (FM) in ADB and focus on the core elements of financial due diligence, financial reporting and auditing. Upon successful completion of the eCourses, ADB staff will gain the basic FM awareness and competence to perform financial due diligence and contribute to FM oversight during project processing and implementation and lead ADB projects.